Presentation: Pack
Complete body treatment pack that eliminates cellulite and orange peel . It sharpens body contour, decreases body volume and makes the skin acquire a soft, uniform and smooth appearance.
Lipoglausonic contains:
- Lipoglaucin Concentrate: body concentrate that provides transepidermal heat inside the skin, facilitating the progress of active ingredients.
- Lipoglaucin Cream: body cream with an extra contribution of glaucine that changes fat into firmness..
Main active principles:
- Lipoglaucin: exclusive complex developed by our laboratory, with lipolytic, depurative and draining action. With Ultrasound-like effect.
- L-Carnitine: molecule reknowned for its powerful fat burning action.
- Bitter orange: citrus fruit depurative and anti-cellulite.
- Bioconducting agent that enhances the penetration and assimilation of active ingredients with greater ease, acting as deep as possible
How to use:
Daily apply Lipoglaucin™ Concentrado, with rubefacient effect, by means of a deep massage until it is totally absorbed. Next, end up the treatment with Lipoglaucin™ Crema. Wash your hands thoroughly after every use.